Welcome to Ella Valley Wines

A New Generation of Israeli Vintners

The Ella Valley area is recognized worldwide as the biblical site where the famous duel between David and Goliath took place.  However, in ancient times, the valley was known as a large wine producing are.  The historical tradition of viticulture and wine production, forgotten for centuries, was revived in the past decade thanks to the determination od a handful of visionaries.

The establishment of “Ella Valley Wineries” in 1998, returned to the wine culture from thousands of years, with the tools and knowledge of the 21st century.  The principles that guided the founders of the winery was to produce excellent wines, exploit the unique characteristics and unique conditions of the region while producing kosher wines that would allow them to reach broader audiences worldwide.

Selected for an Historic Event

Current release

Proudly representing the very best of Israel's wines!

The Ella Valley Wine was selected from among hundreds of wines from hundreds of wineries to proudly represent Israeli wine at the United States Embassy transfer ceremony to Jerusalem.  To proudly mark the occasion, a special edition wine bottle was sent to Donald Trump, the President of the United states.